Click on a role to read a description and apply.
Vacancies filled |
1 of ∞ Analyst (Аналитик) |
Player who actively uses analytical skills.
Игрок, реализующий в игре познавательные цели, строящий гипотезы
на основе обработки информации.
Role competences3813. Find relevant data (Improves) 3816. Analyse information to obtain necessary arguments (Improves) 3817. Extract trends and ideas, project them into future (Improves) 3814. Check reliability of information (Improves indirectly) 3815. Extract relevant structured information from unstructured sources (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |
1 of ∞ Designer (Дизайнер) |
Player who has created high level craft models.
Игрок, создавший в пространстве игры реальные творческие
объекты( прототипы, макеты, модели и т.д).
Role competences3820. To make a real product, to demonstrate creativity and ingenuity, to realize an idea. (Improves) 4065. Spatial intelligence (Improves) 4066. To move in a coordinated manner, to perform complex integrated movement (fine, strong, slow, fast, etc.) (Improves) 3884. To be mindfull, attentive to details. (Improves indirectly) 4058. Basic technical skills (to assemble equipment, to handle an experiment) (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |
2 of ∞ Diplomat (Дипломат) |
Player who gets results though talkings and agreements.
Игрок, выстраивающий коммуникацию с разными акторами на игре,
достигающий результативных договоренностей, формирующий условия для
их выполнения.
Role competences3846. To achieve one's goals through dialogue, to reach an agreement (Improves) 3889. To differentiate an output information: what and how to say and what not (Improves) 3919. Evaluate risks: probability, scope, outcomes, possible solutions. (Improves) 3839. To control project operations, to correct the work accroding to the changing environment (Improves indirectly) 3881. To convince, to win over (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |
1 of ∞ Ethics ambassador (Транслятор ценностей) |
Player who has strong ethical position and active influence on
other players in this field.
Игрок, занимающий сильную этическую позицию, транслирующий в
игре, взаимодействующий на эту тему с другими игроками, заражающий
или проблематизирующий их с этической точки зрения.
Role competences3817. Extract trends and ideas, project them into future (Improves) 3821. To share one's worldview, a concept, ideal or value. To be evangelic. To inspire. (Improves) 3890. To generate and to keep an ethics of an environment (Improves) 3845. To speak in public, to hold the audience , to manage its attention. To engage in productive dialogue. (Improves indirectly) 4044. To hold a set of values and ideals, to have personal judgement about right and wrong (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |
2 of ∞ Project`s architec (Творец/автор проекта) |
Player who creates project’s idea and develops it fully.
Игрок, порождающий идею конкретного проекта и прорабатывающий
его детализацию, воплощение.
Role competences3819. Create a new idea (Improves) 3822. To extend independence and initiative (Improves) 3835. Planning. To generate a project plan, to distribute time, tasks and other recources (Improves) 3818. Evaluate new opportunities, advantages and problems of a new methodology (Improves indirectly) 3918. To reorganize elements of the space and objects presented, to provide them with new technical or art meaning. (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |
0 of ∞ Rules analyst (Аналитик правил) |
Player who has learned rules very well and fully use it.
Игрок, разобравшийся во всех правилах и использующий их
Role competences3815. Extract relevant structured information from unstructured sources (Improves) 3816. Analyse information to obtain necessary arguments (Improves) 3817. Extract trends and ideas, project them into future (Improves) 3833. To assess a situation and to quickly adopt to the changing environment, to comply to new rules. (Improves indirectly) 3926. Use maps and other symbolic systems (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |
2 of ∞ Situational leader (Ситуативный лидер) |
Player who takes control over short term problems.
Игрок, берущий на себя инициативу, занимающий лидерскую позицию
в деятельности, быстро и эффективно договаривающийся в команде в
процессе решения конкретной задачи.
Role competences3833. To assess a situation and to quickly adopt to the changing environment, to comply to new rules. (Improves) 3849. To take and to keep the lead, to have influence with group. (Improves) 3885. To distribute problems and to control reaching a result, to create an effective distribution of positions in a team (Improves) 3825. To switch between several tasks keeping efficiency working simultaneously on several issues (Improves indirectly) 3882. Tactics. Create and curry out a short-term plan of activities. (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |
1 of ∞ Successful solo player (Единичный успешный игрок(Тройка)) |
Player who fulfils his own goals by using tactics and
Игрок, реализующий в игре свои личные цели, активно
взаимодействуя с другими акторами, строя индивидуальную
Role competences3818. Evaluate new opportunities, advantages and problems of a new methodology (Improves) 3822. To extend independence and initiative (Improves) 3833. To assess a situation and to quickly adopt to the changing environment, to comply to new rules. (Improves) 3846. To achieve one's goals through dialogue, to reach an agreement (Improves indirectly) 4047. To act in an ambiguous situation. (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |
1 of ∞ Supporter (Помощник) |
Player who supports someone by teaching and solving
Роль заключается в том, чтобы помогать кому-либо в игре,
обучать, выручать.
Role competences3854. To help others to solve a problem, to spend one's own time to develope others (Improves) 3865. To teach, to transfer skills or knoweledge (Improves) 3822. To extend independence and initiative (Improves indirectly) 3832. To take responsibility, to achieve results. (Improves indirectly) 3904. To lead others into a resoursefull state (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |
3 of ∞ Team leader (Лидер команды в игре( Двойка)) |
Player who is effective team leader most part of game.
Игрок, эффективно возглавляющий команду/рабочую группу в течении
всей/большей части игры, проводящий ее через все этапы и приводящий
достижению результата/целей группы.
(основной критерий - команда не разваливается в разных
Role competences3838. Organize communitcation, to coordinate exchange of information (Improves) 3849. To take and to keep the lead, to have influence with group. (Improves) 3885. To distribute problems and to control reaching a result, to create an effective distribution of positions in a team (Improves) 3851. To solve a conflict (Improves indirectly) 4034. To accept group decisions, to have responsibility for it (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |
0 of ∞ Идеологический лидер |
Игрок, заразивший команду своей идеей, ценностью, поддерживающий
энтузиазм в ее реализации.
Role competences3829. To formulate an aim and achieve it. (Improves) 3840. To keep focus on the aim during the activity (Improves) 3881. To convince, to win over (Improves) 3821. To share one's worldview, a concept, ideal or value. To be evangelic. To inspire. (Improves indirectly) 3904. To lead others into a resoursefull state (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |