Preparation and moderatin of Future City Game/Подготовка и проведение игры Город Будущего
Vacancies filled |
3 of ∞ Ведущий модели ОИ |
Задача состоит в том, чтобы во время игры обеспечить функционирование модели, её работу на цель игры с необходимыми корректировками по ходу. Role competences3839. To control project operations, to correct the work accroding to the changing environment (Improves) 3840. To keep focus on the aim during the activity (Improves) 3891. System approach: To mantain a standard, a set of rules, a model. To keep all connection between existing elements within the model and to be able to connect it with the outside world. To keep the balance. (Improves) 3911. NPC for a specific model (Improves) 3818. Evaluate new opportunities, advantages and problems of a new methodology (Improves indirectly) 3833. To assess a situation and to quickly adopt to the changing environment, to comply to new rules. (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |
0 of ∞ Игротехник, отслеживающий несколько стандартов ОИ |
Роль заключается в том, чтобы следить за несколькими стандартами, распределяя своё внимание и поддерживая разные деятельности. Role competences3824. To work in a constantly changing environment under time pressure and in critical circumstances (stress resistance) (Improves) 3825. To switch between several tasks keeping efficiency working simultaneously on several issues (Improves) 3833. To assess a situation and to quickly adopt to the changing environment, to comply to new rules. (Improves) 3823. To control one's own emotions (self-energizing, self-regulation, a working with resourcefull states) (Improves indirectly) 3827. To be disciplined, efficiently follow the algorithm and rules, to comply with the given conditions. (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |
0 of ∞ Мастер по АХЧ ОИ |
Задача состоит в организации административно-хозяйственной части игры, как то закупки, логистика, порядок и хранение инвентаря. Role competences3832. To take responsibility, to achieve results. (Improves) 3836. Find resources to fulfill a certain tasks (Improves) 3839. To control project operations, to correct the work accroding to the changing environment (Improves) 3820. To make a real product, to demonstrate creativity and ingenuity, to realize an idea. (Improves indirectly) 3838. Organize communitcation, to coordinate exchange of information (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |
0 of ∞ Модельный игротехник ОИ |
Задачей игротехника модели является поддержание ее функционирования и помощь игрокам в работе с моделью. Role competences3827. To be disciplined, efficiently follow the algorithm and rules, to comply with the given conditions. (Improves) 3886. To be sure, to not come under influence, to stand up for own opinion (Improves) 3891. System approach: To mantain a standard, a set of rules, a model. To keep all connection between existing elements within the model and to be able to connect it with the outside world. To keep the balance. (Improves) 3854. To help others to solve a problem, to spend one's own time to develope others (Improves indirectly) 3889. To differentiate an output information: what and how to say and what not (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |
3 of ∞ Объясняющий правила ОИ |
Задача состоит в том, чтобы объяснить игрокам суть и нюансы правил и помочь им действовать по правилам. Role competences3847. To give a feedback, to crticize usefully, to discuss and to demur reasonably (Improves) 3854. To help others to solve a problem, to spend one's own time to develope others (Improves) 3889. To differentiate an output information: what and how to say and what not (Improves) 3823. To control one's own emotions (self-energizing, self-regulation, a working with resourcefull states) (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |
1 of ∞ Помощник по АХЧ ОИ |
Роль заключается в работе с административно-хозяйственной частью, выполнении поручений по технике, распределению мат.активов. Role competences3826. To manage own time, to self-organize to meet deadlines, to plan the activity (self-discipline, self-organization). (Improves) 3827. To be disciplined, efficiently follow the algorithm and rules, to comply with the given conditions. (Improves) 3832. To take responsibility, to achieve results. (Improves) 3825. To switch between several tasks keeping efficiency working simultaneously on several issues (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |
0 of ∞ Разработчик концепции ОИ |
Задача заключается в том, чтобы придумать и создать некоторую концепцию в рамках игры и инструментарий для того, чтобы игроки могли с ней работать. Role competences3817. Extract trends and ideas, project them into future (Improves) 3819. Create a new idea (Improves) 3821. To share one's worldview, a concept, ideal or value. To be evangelic. To inspire. (Improves) 3880. Create new rules or instructions (Improves indirectly) 3881. To convince, to win over (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |
0 of ∞ Судья правил ОИ |
Задачей этой роли является отслеживание исполнения правил и пресечение нарушений. Role competences3879. To provide the execution of rules and instructions, to keep a discipline (Improves) 3886. To be sure, to not come under influence, to stand up for own opinion (Improves) 3891. System approach: To mantain a standard, a set of rules, a model. To keep all connection between existing elements within the model and to be able to connect it with the outside world. To keep the balance. (Improves) 3827. To be disciplined, efficiently follow the algorithm and rules, to comply with the given conditions. (Improves indirectly) 3840. To keep focus on the aim during the activity (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |
Ведущий модели ОИ
Name | Mark |
Alina Absalamova (aabsalamova) Riga Rated by: Mariya Rodionova | 2 |
Sinisa Rudan (sinisa-rudan) Belgrade (Serbia) | |
Sasa Rudan Kelbert (mprinc) Oslo (Norway) Rated by: Mariya Rodionova | 2 |
Игротехник, отслеживающий несколько стандартов ОИ
Nobody has applied yet.
Мастер по АХЧ ОИ
Nobody has applied yet.
Модельный игротехник ОИ
Nobody has applied yet.
Объясняющий правила ОИ
Alina Absalamova (aabsalamova) Riga Rated by: Mariya Rodionova | 2 |
Sinisa Rudan (sinisa-rudan) Belgrade (Serbia) Rated by: Mariya Rodionova | 2 |
Sasa Rudan Kelbert (mprinc) Oslo (Norway) Rated by: Mariya Rodionova | 2 |
Помощник по АХЧ ОИ
Alina Absalamova (aabsalamova) Riga Rated by: Mariya Rodionova | 1 |
Разработчик концепции ОИ
Nobody has applied yet.
Судья правил ОИ
Nobody has applied yet.
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