ESHER - solving of Paradoxical Puzzles
ESHER - solving of Paradoxical Puzzles
Hosts: Oleg Muromtsev, Alyona Surikova
ESHER is a practice of collective thinking. It allows you to see usual and conventional notions from unusual and surprising point of view that helps to make a profound breakthroughs in understanding and to make the unexpected discoveries and insights. This is achieved through collective paradoxical problems solving. These problems or puzzles have fantastic formulations that are packing a deep ontological contradictions of chosen topic. And appeared models and concepts allow to find new solutions of real contradictions and tasks.
Vacancies filled |
2 of ∞ Active conferee (Активный участник конференции) |
The role requires an active understanding of the reports of other groups through clarifying questions. Active conferee takes the logic and axiomatics of other groups and asks problematizing questions based on it. He/she gives his opinion and summary. Роль предполагает активное понимание докладов других групп через вопросы на понимание, удержание логики их решений и оснований других моделей в вопросах на проблематизацию, интересные суждения Role competences3847. To give a feedback, to crticize usefully, to discuss and to demur reasonably (Improves) 3884. To be mindfull, attentive to details. (Improves) 3825. To switch between several tasks keeping efficiency working simultaneously on several issues (Improves indirectly) 3940. Break a complex definition into projections (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |
5 of ∞ Active solver (Активный решающий) |
This role is applied by each participant in the process besides the coordinator and his assistant. Active solver advances the process of solving the problem and fully participates in the discussion of solutions. He/she sets itself individual problems on development and moves in solving it with the help of the coordinator. Эту роль берёт каждый участник процесса, кроме координатора и его помощника. Активный решающий продвигает процесс решения задачи и полноценно участвует в обсуждении решения. С помощью координатора ставит перед собой и продвигается в решении индивидуальных задач на развитие. Role competences3819. Create a new idea (Improves) 3937. To learn methods of a particular approach as a student (Improves) 4033. To work in group-projecting mode, together-thinking. (Improves) 3822. To extend independence and initiative (Improves indirectly) 3902. Create a model: evaluate an object or process and decide what is relevant to be inculded into the model, create model with working connections (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |
2 of ∞ Conference moderator (Ведущий конференции) |
Moderator conducts conference, provides a coherent communication between the speakers and the audience by keeping the format and sequence of questions, sets dynamics, rhythm and thought depth of the overall process. Роль предполагает взятие на себя позиции ведущего - модерирует работу конференции, обеспечивает внятную коммуникацию между докладчиками и залом, удерживает формат и последовательность вопросов, динамику и ритм общего процесса, углубляет содержательное движение Role competences3933. Be able to transcend limiting behavior patterns and perception (as a resourcefull state) (Improves) 3849. To take and to keep the lead, to have influence with group. (Improves indirectly) 3935. Picking-out-thinkking: picks out characters and semantic sequences, which separates one environment of others (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |
0 of ∞ Draftsman / poster designer (Оформитель плаката) |
Draftsman translates solution results in visual form and displays it on a poster. Оформитель переводит результаты решения в визуальную форму и отображает их на плакате. Role competences3820. To make a real product, to demonstrate creativity and ingenuity, to realize an idea. (Improves) 3841. To create a "package" to transfer certain project results to other audiences. To create tools for replication. (Improves) 3822. To extend independence and initiative (Improves indirectly) 3926. Use maps and other symbolic systems (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |
1 of ∞ Fitter of solution results (Сборщик результатов решения) |
Fitter assembles the results of group solution by formulating for presentation at conferences, links the ideas of participants into a common model, captures the interesting examples. Собирает результаты решения группы, формулирует для представления на конференциях, связывает идеи участников в общей модели, фиксирует интересные примеры Role competences3815. Extract relevant structured information from unstructured sources (Improves) 3841. To create a "package" to transfer certain project results to other audiences. To create tools for replication. (Improves) 3884. To be mindfull, attentive to details. (Improves) 3816. Analyse information to obtain necessary arguments (Improves indirectly) 3822. To extend independence and initiative (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |
2 of ∞ Group coordinator (Координатор группы) |
Coordinator leads the group process of paradoxical problems solving. He/she helps to keep the conditions, the challenges, the correctness of the construction of solutions. Coordinator focuses group on work with the tools of thought, he/she arranges intragroup interaction inside the intellectual process. Coordinator conducts reflection of group activities and progress in the solution of individual problems on development. Координатор ведёт процесс решения парадоксальных задач с одной из групп. Помогает группе в удержании условия, вопроса задачи, корректности построения решения. Фокусирует группу на работе с инструментами мышления в ходе решения. Выстраивает внутригрупповое взаимодействие в интеллектуальном процессе. Проводит с группой деятельную рефлексию процесса и продвижения в решении индивидуальных задач на развитие. Role competences3828. To see myself and a situation from the outside, to analize the experience (reflection) (Improves) 3890. To generate and to keep an ethics of an environment (Improves) 3892. To choose somebody a micro-role that will provide motivation, encorage active participation and boost development of a person (Improves) 3986. To organise a reflection in "aim oriented, detailed focused" format (Improves) 3854. To help others to solve a problem, to spend one's own time to develope others (Improves indirectly) 3888. To percieve others: their interest, challanges, zone of porximal development (Improves indirectly) 3902. Create a model: evaluate an object or process and decide what is relevant to be inculded into the model, create model with working connections (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |
5 of ∞ Ideas generator (in solving) (Генератор идей в решении) |
Generator creates new ideas, invents new ways of solution, unusual turns of thought. Роль предполагает активную работу в группе во время решений с позиции порождения идей, ходов на решение, нестандартных поворотов. Role competences3819. Create a new idea (Improves) 3823. To control one's own emotions (self-energizing, self-regulation, a working with resourcefull states) (Improves) 3833. To assess a situation and to quickly adopt to the changing environment, to comply to new rules. (Improves) 3917. To handle an emergency, to get away (Improves indirectly) 3920. Familiarity with modern memes (tech, social, etc) (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |
1 of ∞ Modeler (in solving) (Разработчик модели в решении) |
The modeler generates overall coherent model, sees / shows / completes the connection between the elements, enters the interesting moves ideas from other members of the group into the overall picture. Формирует общую связную модель, видит/проявляет/достраивает связи между элементами, вписывает интересные ходы, идеи других участников группы в общую картину. Role competences3816. Analyse information to obtain necessary arguments (Improves) 3817. Extract trends and ideas, project them into future (Improves) 3902. Create a model: evaluate an object or process and decide what is relevant to be inculded into the model, create model with working connections (Improves) 3840. To keep focus on the aim during the activity (Improves indirectly) 3941. A skill to suggest a hypothesis about methods, which are necessary and sufficient for problem solving (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |
0 of ∞ Problematizer (Проблематизатор) |
Problematizer detects violations of logic in the model developed by his group, and in models and concepts of other groups at the conference, detects errors, contradictions between the results and the conditions or axioms, separates the essential contradictions and errors from the non-essential. Проблематизатор обнаруживает нарушения логики как в модели, созданной его группой, так и в моделях и концепциях других групп на конференции, выявляет ошибки, противоречия между результатами и условиями или аксиоматикой, отделяет существенные противоречия и ошибки от несущественных. Role competences3847. To give a feedback, to crticize usefully, to discuss and to demur reasonably (Improves) 3902. Create a model: evaluate an object or process and decide what is relevant to be inculded into the model, create model with working connections (Improves) 3940. Break a complex definition into projections (Improves) 3814. Check reliability of information (Improves indirectly) 3919. Evaluate risks: probability, scope, outcomes, possible solutions. (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |
2 of ∞ Speaker at the conference (Докладчик на конференции) |
Speaker generates a report on the results of the group solution of paradoxical problem, presents it at a conference and answers the questions. Докладчик формирует доклад по результатам группового решения парадоксальной задачи и выступает с ним на конференции, отвечая на возникающие вопросы. Role competences3824. To work in a constantly changing environment under time pressure and in critical circumstances (stress resistance) (Improves) 3842. To speak in a proper, clear, gallant language. To construct arguments. (Improves) 3845. To speak in public, to hold the audience , to manage its attention. To engage in productive dialogue. (Improves) 3821. To share one's worldview, a concept, ideal or value. To be evangelic. To inspire. (Improves indirectly) 3933. Be able to transcend limiting behavior patterns and perception (as a resourcefull state) (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |
0 of ∞ The creator of images/examples (Создатель образов/примеров) |
The creator of images/examples quickly and precisely selects/creates examples to illustrate the idea of the group during the solution and the conference, creates vivid images that allow to understand the essence of thought. Быстро и точно подбирает/создает примеры, иллюстрирующие идеи группы, в ходе решения и на конференции, создает яркие образы, позволяющие понять суть мысли. Role competences3815. Extract relevant structured information from unstructured sources (Improves) 3920. Familiarity with modern memes (tech, social, etc) (Improves) 3935. Picking-out-thinkking: picks out characters and semantic sequences, which separates one environment of others (Improves) 3819. Create a new idea (Improves indirectly) 3821. To share one's worldview, a concept, ideal or value. To be evangelic. To inspire. (Improves indirectly) Please login to apply for this role. |
Active conferee (Активный участник конференции)
Name | Mark |
Sasa Rudan Kelbert (mprinc) Oslo (Norway) Rated by: Oleg Muromtsev | 2 |
Sinisa Rudan (sinisa-rudan) Belgrade (Serbia) Rated by: Oleg Muromtsev | 2 |
Active solver (Активный решающий)
Sasa Rudan Kelbert (mprinc) Oslo (Norway) Rated by: Oleg Muromtsev | 2 |
Sinisa Rudan (sinisa-rudan) Belgrade (Serbia) Rated by: Oleg Muromtsev | 2 |
Minja Kovačević (Minja95) Belgrade (Serbia) Rated by: Oleg Muromtsev | 2 |
Tamara Nikolic (Tamara) Belgrade (Serbia) Rated by: Oleg Muromtsev | 2 |
Mikhail Kozharinov (miha) [Soling] Rated by: Oleg Muromtsev | 2 |
Conference moderator (Ведущий конференции)
Oleg Muromtsev (omur) St. Petersburg, 6th level–St. Petersburg Rated by: Oleg Muromtsev | 2 |
Vanya Ninenko (Vanya) St. Petersburg Rated by: Oleg Muromtsev | 2 |
Draftsman / poster designer (Оформитель плаката)
Nobody has applied yet.
Fitter of solution results (Сборщик результатов решения)
Sasa Rudan Kelbert (mprinc) Oslo (Norway) Rated by: Oleg Muromtsev | 2 |
Group coordinator (Координатор группы)
Oleg Muromtsev (omur) St. Petersburg, 6th level–St. Petersburg Rated by: Oleg Muromtsev | 2 |
Alena Surikova (domsredny) St. Petersburg, 6th level–St. Petersburg Rated by: Oleg Muromtsev | 2 |
Ideas generator (in solving) (Генератор идей в решении)
Minja Kovačević (Minja95) Belgrade (Serbia) Rated by: Oleg Muromtsev | 1 |
Tamara Nikolic (Tamara) Belgrade (Serbia) Rated by: Oleg Muromtsev | 1 |
Sasa Rudan Kelbert (mprinc) Oslo (Norway) Rated by: Oleg Muromtsev | 2 |
Sinisa Rudan (sinisa-rudan) Belgrade (Serbia) Rated by: Oleg Muromtsev | 2 |
Mikhail Kozharinov (miha) [Soling] Rated by: Oleg Muromtsev | 2 |
Modeler (in solving) (Разработчик модели в решении)
Mikhail Kozharinov (miha) [Soling] Rated by: Oleg Muromtsev | 2 |
Problematizer (Проблематизатор)
Nobody has applied yet.
Speaker at the conference (Докладчик на конференции)
Sasa Rudan Kelbert (mprinc) Oslo (Norway) Rated by: Oleg Muromtsev | 2 |
Sinisa Rudan (sinisa-rudan) Belgrade (Serbia) Rated by: Oleg Muromtsev | 2 |
The creator of images/examples (Создатель образов/примеров)
Nobody has applied yet.
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