Skill-trainer (Скилл-тренер)
Position description
A person who can transfer particular skills to a student. Trainer should be able to conduct a training and to monitor student progress.
Задачей является формирование определённых навыков и передача знаний. Тренер должен проводить тренинги и отслеживать прогресс участников.
This rating was calculated and cached 18 minutes ago.
Name | Match |
Alina Vinnichenko (linkavini) St. Petersburg Credited based on the position match | 91% |
Alena Surikova (domsredny) St. Petersburg, 6th level–St. Petersburg Credited based on the position match | 90% |
Aleksey Doilnitsyn (doilnitsyn) St. Petersburg Credited based on the position match | 88% |
Polina Orlova (polinaorlova024) St. Petersburg Credited based on the position match | 88% |
Mikha Zabelin (zabelin) St. Petersburg Credited based on the position match | 88% |
Vlada Lvova (vladka) St. Petersburg Credited based on the position match | 83% |
Li Shevtsova (lie-yatrie) St. Petersburg Credited based on the position match | 80% |
Agni Avolokos (agni) St. Petersburg, 4th level–St. Petersburg | 79% |
Yekaterina Chigaleychik (iktp) St. Petersburg | 79% |
Tatyana Ganf (tatka) St. Petersburg | 74% |
Tatyana Vasilich (Vasili4) St. Petersburg | 72% |
Oleg Muromtsev (omur) St. Petersburg, 6th level–St. Petersburg | 72% |
Lyubov Myachina (lubovDulsineja) St. Petersburg | 68% |
Dmitry Shalamov (elk) St. Petersburg | 68% |
Kuzya (Oleg) Surikov (Kuzz) St. Petersburg, 4th level–St. Petersburg | 65% |
Yakov Goldshteyn (9wka) St. Petersburg | 64% |
Timofey Lakshin (Sertyk) Moscow | 61% |
Arina Shishko-Kravchenko (ashishkokravchenko) Moscow | 58% |
Yaroslav Selivanov (Yaroslav) Moscow | 58% |
Oksana Glazunova (GlazunovaOV) NovGU_UNTI | 58% |
Danila Kozharinov (danilaki) Moscow | 55% |
Grigory Kushner (Hypogriph) [Soling] | 55% |
Savely Budko (Sakvel) Moscow | 51% |
Yaroslav Nevsky (TongueSnake) Moscow | 47% |
Vanya Ninenko (Vanya) St. Petersburg | 42% |
Ptitsa Ponkratova (Pti) Moscow, 1st level–Moscow | 41% |
Vika Shvetsova (Vika11) St. Petersburg | 41% |
Yana Aleksandrovna (yen) St. Petersburg | 40% |
Lika Chekalova (live10) St. Petersburg | 38% |
Kirill Malinin (kirmalinin) Moscow | 37% |
Mark Chernik (Nzi) Moscow | 31% |
Ivan Tyulenev (ITe) Moscow | 29% |
Yuliya Belokhvostikova (juliabel) Moscow | 27% |
Mikhail Kozharinov (miha) [Soling] | 26% |
Rayli Chayka (SofiLessi) St. Petersburg, 1st level–St. Petersburg | 21% |
Sasa Rudan Kelbert (mprinc) Oslo (Norway) | 20% |
Sinisa Rudan (sinisa-rudan) Belgrade (Serbia) | 19% |
Mariya Rodionova (Kisa) Moscow | 16% |
Neetu Sharma (missneetusharma) New Delhi (India) | 15% |
Ilya Alabichev (irar13ada) Moscow | 11% |
Dmitriy Khomenok (dkhomenok) Minsk (Belarus) | 10% |
Pooja Ms. Malik (pmalik) New Delhi (India) | 10% |
Alina Absalamova (aabsalamova) Riga | 10% |
Minu Ms. Joseph (mjoseph) New Delhi (India) | 10% |
Andrey Ponomarev (Werd) Moscow | 9% |
Boris Golovatsky (bg13) Moscow | 9% |
Tanya Singh (Ts201294) New Delhi (India) | 6% |
Mukesh Chandra Mr. Sharma (sharmamukeshchandra) New Delhi (India) | 6% |
Yiannis Laouris (laouris) Moscow | 5% |
Dmitry Kopytine (dm9) St. Petersburg | 5% |
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